Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Traditional Theater Mamanda

Traditional theater of South Kalimantan "MAMANDA"

      In the area of ​​South Kalimantan, there are the traditional performing arts that can survive because of its ability to adapt to social and cultural development even technological environment.

      Theatre is called Mamanda. Mamanda have a sense of "hello" to people who are respected in the system of kinship or kinship. Mamanda is populist.

     In 1897, came in Banjarmasin, merry-go-Abdul Moeloek of Malacca. Ferris Noble has a major influence on traditional theater in South Kalimantan. Since before the arrival of Abdul Moeloek headed by Cik Encik Ibrahim and his wife Eve, settled in the Land of Banjar couple of months performing. This theater is so popular so quickly in the middle of Banjar society. After adaptation, this theater gave birth to a new theater called "Mamanda".

      Mamanda story has an interesting story, as is traditional theater that has a definite character and must be in the show which later added other figures based on the story development.

      At first the show during the night, but for from many "complaints" then show a duration of 3 to 5 hours.

      Mamanda also have the flexibility in the process of the show, he can use the script as a whole as a modern theatrical but also could only use the plot / story line are then developed by the players with their improvisational talents.

      The characters are raw mamanda was the king, Mangkubumi, Wazir, the Prime Minister, Chief of War, Hopes First, second Hope, wage earner, Consort, the Son of the King (can be princess or prince). Other figures based on stories such as the King of another country, young man, robber, Jin, Netherlands, or the name of the other regions (Javanese, Chinese, Batak, Madurese or other).
     Before the show begins, read synopsis, in mamanda presented through "Baladon". Baladon is said story with singing and dance moves performed. Mamanda story to be collaborating with the art of dance or music. Namely after the kingdom is complete it will display convened for the purpose of dance performances entertain the king with all his royal officials or when the royal win the war conducted performances of dance or music entertainment.

      Mamanda has two streams.

First: The flow of Batang Banyu. Who live in coastal rivers namely Sungai Hulu district in Margasari. Often also called Mamanda pot.

Second: The flow Tubau began in 1937 AD This flow of life in the area of ​​Rantau Tubau. Often staged in mainland areas. This flow is also called Mamanda Batubau. This flow that develops in the Land of Banjar.

      Major Mamanda have cultural value, namely Mamanda performances as well as an entertainment medium also serves as a medium of education for the people of Banjar. The story that served both on the history of life, examples of good role model, social criticism or satire constructive, democratic and cultural values ​​of society Banjar.

      Starting, Mamanda have musical accompaniment of the orchestra wither with rhythmic tunes hummed wither, now turn to the accompaniment of music hummed skelter with Two Songs of Hope, Song Two Kings, Tarima Love Songs, Songs Baladon, Mambujuk Songs, Songs Rice, Tirik Songs, Songs Japin, Gandut Song, and Song-Mandung Mandung.

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